What is Shared Ownership?
Discover more about part-rent, part-buy schemes and learn how shared ownership of a property works. Find out if shared ownership is right for you with this handy guide to part-rent, part-buy schemes from Norton Finance.
Read MoreWhat is a mortgage in principle?
A mortgage in principle is a useful indication of what you might be able to borrow when buying a house.
Read MoreHow Much Do You Need for a House Deposit?
Saving a deposit for a mortgage? Learn how much a deposit is for a house in the UK, and how much you might need.
Read MoreGuarantor Loans
Securing money with bad credit can be tricky, but guarantor loans could mean better rates and a higher chance of approval. But agreeing to be a guarantor for a loan is a big exercise in trust. Read on and discover more about guarantor loans today, with Norton Finance.
Read MoreWhat is a Payday Loan
Payday loans can be a convenient method of paying for a sudden or unexpected expense or repair. But they can also have their disadvantages. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of pay day loans here.
Read MoreHow to calculate Loan-to-Value
We talk you through the ins and outs of loan-to-value (LTV), including what it means and how to calculate your home’s loan-to-value ratio.
Read MoreHow to Get a Mortgage While Self-Employed
Getting a mortgage when self-employed doesn’t have to be complex. Let’s explore what you need to get started.
Read MoreWhat is a pre-approved loan?
Pre-approved loans are loans that have been undergone a provisional soft credit check. While pre-approval isn’t always a guarantee, it does make give you a good indication of whether you’ll be accepted.
Read MoreWhat is Hire Purchase?
Hire purchase is a type of finance which allows you to own the car while repaying monthly instalments. Depending on your financial circumstance, it may be a better option than a loan or other financing selections such as PCP.
Read MoreLoans for people on benefits
If you’re on benefits, you may think you don’t qualify for a loan. However, there are lenders and loan products out there that will accept certain types of benefits as income. This article explores how to get a loan on benefits in the UK.
Read MoreWhat Causes Inflation?
A certain amount of inflation is expected in a healthy economy. However, if inflation grows too high or stagnates, it can cause difficulties for consumers and businesses. Discover what causes inflation and how you can help future-proof your savings.
Read MoreWhat is APR?
You’ll no doubt have noticed banks and lenders advertising their APR, but what does APR mean and how does it affect you when taking out a loan?
Read MoreA guide to interest rates
Find out everything you need to know about what interest rates are, what they mean for your borrowing and how they’re calculated in this know-how guide
Read MoreHow does Remortgaging Work, Our Guide
Remortgaging your property is a serious step to take, but it can be a good way to make the most of your home’s value. Our guide covers what remortgaging is, how remortgages work and many more frequently asked questions.
Read MoreAll you need to know about low credit score loans
Your credit history is considered when you apply for credit, so where does this leave you when you have a poor credit score? With lenders now offering poor credit loans suitable for such situations, we take a closer look to find out the facts.
Read MoreUsing a loan broker
Find out the difference between a loan broker and a lender, and the benefits of each. Discover the best choice for your situation, with Norton Finance.
Read MoreHow to get a loan when self-employed
If you are self-employed, you may need a little financial help to get your business off the ground. Here’s some advice on how to find it.
Read MoreA guide to commercial mortgages
Securing a commercial mortgage may be the business move you’re planning next, but is it the right move, right now?
Read MoreLoans vs Credit Cards
When it comes to borrowing money, loans and credit cards are two options you have to choose from, but which is more suitable for your situation?
Read MoreSecond home, second mortgage? The facts
If you’re thinking of investing in a second home, it’s important to understand everything that goes with getting a second mortgage, including eligibility and affordability.
Read MoreA guide to mortgages for self-employed workers
Getting a mortgage when you are self-employed can be slightly trickier but it’s not impossible. You should be able to get one - this guide explains how.
Read MoreFinancial jargon explained
Get financially fluent with our A to Z guide on financial lingo to help you better understand how to manage your money.
Read MoreHow do loan applications work?
Loan applications can be confusing, especially if it's a new experience. Find out more about how the process works and feel more confident before you apply.
Read MoreRemortgaging and second charge
Remortgaging is one of the biggest financial decisions that most people will make in their lives. Find out how remortgaging works with our handy guide.
Read MoreWhat documents do I need to borrow money?
Lenders rely on transparency in order to make decisions about lending you money. Having the right information and documentation to hand is important - find out more.
Read MoreIs equity release a good idea?
Is equity release an affordable and effective way to unlock your future? Here we discuss the ins and outs to help you decide.
Read MoreUnderstanding the terms of your loan
The terms and conditions attached to your loan can be a daunting prospect, but it’s important to understand them. Find out more about what all that small print means.
Read MoreThe complete guide to online loans
Check out our guide to online loans to help you decide which kind of product is right for you before you make a big financial decision.
Read MoreA straightforward guide to logbook loans
Logbook loans secured against your vehicle can be a huge financial help. Find out more about logbook loans with this guide.
Read MoreWhat is loan to value explained
The most frequently asked questions about Loan to Value (LTV)
Read MoreThe process of getting a self employed loan
If you are self-employed, you may need a little financial help to get your business off the ground. Here’s some advice on how to find it.
Read MoreFind out more about equity release loans
More people are making use of equity release loans, but what are they and how do they work?
Read MoreMortgage Jargon Buster & Glossary

If you’re looking for a way to cut through the jargon, our summary of common mortgage terminology can help.
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What is Shared Ownership?
Discover more about part-rent, part-buy schemes and learn how shared ownership of a property works....
What is a mortgage in principle?
A mortgage in principle is a useful indication of what you might be able to borrow when buying a hou...
How Much Do You Need for a House Deposit?
Saving a deposit for a mortgage? Learn how much a deposit is for a house in the UK, and how much you...
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