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Manage Your Credit Rating

Find out how to get your credit rating in the best shape possible, and get the best deals available on loans.
Manage Your Credit Rating

What is a County Court Judgement?

Explore County Court Judgments, or CCJs, and how they can affect your finances. In our guide, you’ll learn how to check for CCJs and how to get past them.

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How to Check Your Credit Score

Knowing how to check your credit score can be useful. Whether it’s gaining a better understanding of your current credit position or spotting any outdated or inaccurate information on your records, checking your credit score is something worth doing.

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Best ways to improve your credit score

Exploring ways on to how to improve your credit score doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow our helpful guide and start taking the steps to improve your credit score today.

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Why is my credit score different?

Knowing your credit score can be useful if you are looking to apply for a mortgage or loan. Once you have received your credit score from one agency, it can be useful to check with another. However, the new credit score may differ. Find out why below.

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What are Credit Scores, Our Guide

Your credit score is a number, typically ranging from 300 to 850, which represents your financial health. Your score is checked in situations where you apply to borrow money — a higher score is an indication you are more likely to be able to make repayments.

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How long does a CCJ last on my credit file?

A County Court Judgement (CCJ) will usually stay on your credit file and a public register for six years. However, you can get it removed sooner if you settle the debt quickly.

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What do lenders see on your credit report

Find out what lenders see on your credit report in the UK before they make a decision on your borrowing. Gain some useful tips on how to identify incorrect information on a credit report to ensure you’re in a good position.

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Hard vs soft credit checks

When considering a loan application, a lender will perform a credit check. There are two different kinds: hard and soft. Here we discuss the differences and how they may affect you.

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Clean up your credit report

Learn how to remove errors on your credit report and get it in shape for when you need to borrow. Discover how to access your credit report and manage any mistakes in just a few simple steps.

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Does an overdraft affect credit score?

An overdraft can be used as a cash buffer, giving you credit on your current account. However, overdrafts need to be managed properly to prevent your credit score from dipping.

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What is a credit check?

Credit checks are a necessary part of credit applications – from paying for your first phone contract to securing a mortgage, it pays to know how they work.

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Factors affecting your credit score

Find out about the different factors that could have an effect – positive or negative – on your credit report, and the steps you can take to improve your score.

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Consequences of bad credit

Having bad credit could restrict your choices when it comes to borrowing. Find out more about what could be affecting your plans.

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How to keep track of your credit score

Your credit score can affect a number of things, including buying a house. Learn how to check your credit score, and more about the factors that can alter it.

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How does credit score affect borrowing?

Find out what impact your credit score could be having on your ability to borrow.

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How to borrow with bad credit

Having a bad credit history doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t borrow. We explain what lenders will look for and how you can borrow with a bad credit score.

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Correcting an error on your credit report

Find out what you should do if you find a mistake on your credit report, as well as the consequences it can have on your finances if you don’t take action.

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Applying for credit for the first time

If you’re a new borrower looking to take out your first loan or credit card, find out how you can get a first-time loan, even with no credit history.

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What to do if you’re refused credit

If your loan application has been rejected, you might wonder why it might have happened. Read our short and simple guide to help you bounce back.

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Rebuilding credit rating after bankruptcy

Declaring yourself bankrupt can be a tough but necessary decision, and it’s difficult to know what to do when in debt. Find out how you can still repair your credit score despite this setback.

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Homeowner secured loans, from 6.59%

Representative example: If you borrow £10,000 over 10 years at an interest rate of 5.14% (variable) you would make 120 payments of £122.71 per month. The total amount repayable would be £14,725.20 (This includes a lender fee of £495 and a broker fee of £1,000 which have been added to the loan.)

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